So here we are starting with a new category altogether related to the best known information security and ethical hacking Linux distro - Backtrack. To know what backtrack exactly is visit it's Official Website.
Working with Backtrack is well a learning experience and it stays a learning experience for a very long time. You have to mine the web every now and then to know about the "How to?"s. The very first problem you'll encounter after installing backtrack is 'Setting up an internet connection'. It is not as straightforward as Windows. You'll have to use the command line, known as the terminal in linux, for the entire process. Well we are giving you a complete knowlodge on the topic. You will not have to visit any other website or blog once you have found this. So lets start-
Note- Write all the parameters without the brackets[]. In the explanation below eth0 refers to the name of the lan interface. To know your interface type: "sudo ifconfig -a" in the terminal to print a list of available interfaces. If your interface is different from eth0, use your interface name instead of eth0.
1) Open the terminal
2) type in: sudo ifconfig eth0 up
3)Adding IP and netmask:
sudo ifconfig eth0 [youripaddress] netmask [your netmask]
4) Adding the gateway:
sudo route add default gw [your gateway] eth0
5) Adding the DNS server:
sudo sh -c "echo nameserver [yourDNS]> /etc/resolv.conf"
6) To compile all the above entries
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
7) To make the above setting default. If you skip this step you will have to configure your connection on every reboot. So to make the settings persistent:
sudo update-rc.d networking defaults
8) Reboot:
sudo reboot
And you are done. Now you can use your internet connection.
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